The Pixel-Perfect Pixel Art Ed APP
It's the most easy to use, most powerful, pixel-perfect pixel editing app available on Android.
Easily create new pixel art of any size and aspect ratio up to 256 x 256 pixels
Import your favorite photos and edit them as pixel art or sprites
All pixel art images are automatically saved to your gallery so they can't be lost
Duplicate any image easily
Rename pixel art images in the gallery
Preview all your pixel art photos, their sizes, and edit dates
Export/save your images as PNG with transparency in original or scaled-up sizes
Share your pixel art and sprite creations with others
Six Powerful Tools
-Pixel-perfect Pencil
-Color picker/eye dropper
-HSV Color picker wheel
-Paint bucket/floodfill
Editing Options
-Unlimited Undo/Redo
-Flip your pixel art photos vertically in real time
-Flip your images horizontally in real time
-Rotate your pixel art sprites in real time
-Move mode moves your photos around on the canvases
-Erase entire pixel art image with one tap
Settings Options
-Turn pixel-perfect drawing on/off
-Turn pixel grid on/off
-Display pixel art with transparent background or solid color