The Philadelphia Inquirer APP
With The Philadelphia Inquirer App You Can:
• Discover the latest breaking news and important updates with our intuitive news feed and uncluttered reading experience.
• Explore the news topics you care about from the Philadelphia sports teams like the Eagles and Phillies to local sports news with our seamless section navigation.
• Remember the stories that matter to you with quick action buttons for bookmarking and sharing.
• Never miss a story with digital all-access subscriptions, available as an in-app purchase.
Additional Features:
• Alerts and Notifications - be the first to know with verified breaking news. Easily access breaking news articles with one tap on a notification.
• Newsletter signups - stay on top of the news in your email inbox. Sign up for the newsletters you’d like to receive to get the very best of The Inquirer.
• Frequent Updates - stay connected with 24/7 coverage and other important news throughout the day.
• Log In - use your existing email and password or Register for a new account.
• Customized Feed - customize the news feed to follow the topics that matter most to you. Switch between your custom feed and Latest Headlines with just a tap.
• Custom Text Size - read more comfortably with the ability to increase/decrease article font sizes.
• Dark Mode - activate from the Settings tab and the app will switch to dark mode when activated on your device for easier nighttime reading.
Be a part of the future for Philadelphia news with The Philadelphia Inquirer app.
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