Shin Budokai 2: Goku Saiyan Z GAME
Future Bulma says they do not have a choice and tells Vegeta to eat as well. Vegeta obeys, embarrassed by Future Bulma's authority, he then proposes Goku an eating contest. Future has again survived a difficult future and Future Bulma and the others once again live in peace. Enraged at having his wish stolen, Future Babidi lashes out at Future Mr. Satan, but Future Super Buu takes the blow instead, leaving him near death.
In both cases, after Future Dabura's defeat, the story progresses to chapter 3. However, if he fails to protect the Time Machine from Future Dabura's attack, Future Trunks decides to bring Future Gohan and Future Pikkon back to life for one day on Earth.
Key features:
- Nice-looking graphics 3-D.
- Level of difficulty increases with each character.
- Classic sound created excitement for players.
- Easy controls on phones and tablets.