NenaMark2 APP
Unlike many other benchmarks, NenaMark measures performance using realistic scenes that could be taken from a typical game and presents the result in frames per second, i.e. providing an intuitive performance number that can be used for realistic comparisons between different devices.
Benchmark results from a wide variety of devices are available on the NenaMark site (
- Skeletal Animation (bones matrix animation), trees.
- Morph Target Animation (blend vertex sets), sun flowers along house wall.
- Bump Mapping (using normal map), stone walls on house.
- Water (reflections, normal animation, fresnel effect), the lake.
- Cloud System (advanced particle system), clouds.
- Cube Map Reflections (w/ dynamic cube map generation), windows on house.
- Smoke (advanced particle system), smoke from chimney.
- Shadow Mapping (dynamic shadow mapping), terrain.
- Texture Channel Animation, sparkling sun.
- Smooth Gradient Animation, sky hemisphere.
- Dynamic lighting (per vertex diffuse lighting), entire scene.
- Lens flare, lens flare from sun at low altitude.
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