* A service agreement is required to use services of CAReNA.
[Service contents]
Health Fitness Programmer (*2) selects appropriate fitness menu for your purpose, goal, and mental and physical conditions. The menu can be watched in video format with the app.
e.g. of purpose) prevent obesity, improve hypertension, backache, posture, or others.
With CAReNA app, your daily steps can be automatically recorded on the basis of Google Fit, and also you can record and check daily weight, blood pressure, pulse and exercise progress.
* Steps, weight, blood pressure, and pulse are compatible with OMRON connect, so these values measured by OMRON connect can be synchronized to CAReNA.
By answering to questionnaire related to lifestyle habits, healthcare professionals help you to get healthier life by referring to the results, and health awareness of yourself can be expected to improve.
Health Fitness Programmer gives you advices based on your healthcare records and exercise progress.
You can check healthcare content, announcements such as healthcare event planning by contract organization, etc.
You can get healthcare points depending on recorded healthcare data such as the number of steps. Earned points can be exchanged for healthcare products. Let's compete with colleague and aim for higher rank!
* Available services and functions are different in accordance with contract plan.
* The latest OMRON connect app is required to use the linkage function.
(*1) What is "Medical Fitness"?
"Medical Fitness" is fitness instruction aiming for prevention and improvement of lifestyle diseases, health maintenance, and health improvement.
To prevent lifestyle diseases, "Medical Fitness" enables you to promote healthy lifestyle suitable for your personal constitution, physical strength, symptoms, and others.
(*2) What is "Health Fitness Programmer"?
"Health Fitness Programmer" is qualified person who makes fitness programs and coordinate instruction plans in cooperate with healthcare professionals to conduct safe and effective exercise appropriate for individual mental and physical conditions.
[Recommended OS version]
Android 6.0 or later
[Operation confirmed device]
HUAWEI P20 lite Android 9
AQUOS R SH-03J Android 8
Xperia XZ SO-01J Android 7
Xperia X Performance Android 6.0.1
Xperia Z5 Compact Android 5.1.1