A smart siddur

Latest Version

Oct 12, 2023
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Tfilon - A smart Siddur APP

Tfilon is a free siddur that shows the prayers correct to the Hebrew date (Yaale Ve'Yavo on Rosh Chodesh, Al Ha'Nisim on Chanuka and Purim) without using the phone's internet.
All time and date calculations are done in the phone itself!
There is an option to show special things, such as Va'Anenu Bore Olam or a preyer for sick people, and you can select what day you celebrate Purim, and there's much more.

Tfilon's Features:

Works also on Android devices without built-in Hebrew
Shows Hebrew with perfect Nikud
Shows Halachic Zmanim for 120 cities around the world.
Switch dates on sunset
Aall additions show when needed (except Shabbat and Yom Tov)
Random Dvar Torah before Birkat HaMazon
Nusachs available: Ashkenaz, Sfard and Edot Hamizrach

Zmanim available in Tfilon:

Hebrew date
Daf Yomi
This week's Torah Reading
Candle lighting time and Shabbat\Yom Tov ending for two Shitot
Sfirat Ha'Omer (When needed)
Alot (dawn)
Sof Zman Kriat Shma (M"A & GR"A)
Sof Zman Tefilla (M"A & GR"A)
Mincha Gedola
Mincha Ketana
Plag Hamincha
Stars out

Tfilot available in Tfilon:

Shacharit (including Musaf when needed)
Kriat Shma on the bed
Birkat Hamazon
Mein Shalosh
Sheva Brachot
Seder Brit Mila
Bore Nefashot
Asher Yatzar
Tfilat HaDerech
Kidush/Birkat Levana
On Chanuka also Candle lighting
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