Text To Speech Tool APP
The output language, the speech rate and the pitch (pitch) can be configured in the app.
Furthermore, you can also send texts directly to the TTS Tool ("share") to read longer texts out to you. (Attention: The text-to-speech output may be determined by the system a maximum length of the text!)
The talking text can also be shared as an audio file (* .wav) with other apps.
If you like the app, please write a (positive) rating in the Store.
Thank you!
For the text-to-speech engine, the privacy policy of the operator of the text-to-speech engine applies!
If you find some bad translations or if you want to help me translating my Apps, please tell me via felixvonoertzen@gmail.com.
The source code is available on gitlab.com: https://gitlab.com/FAvO/tts-tool