This app is an exam preparation test app for CTET, UPTET, SUPER TET, B.ed and teacher exam.
The app offers 85+ Test, 2500+ MCQ's, study material, previous year solved papers in english and hindi for the following subjects:
✅ Child Development - Test questions for TET exam study and solved papers in english and hindi for CBSE teacher exam.
✅ English - Test questions for TET exam study and solved papers in english for CBSE teacher exam.
✅ Environment Studies - Test questions for exam study and solved papers in english and hindi for CBSE teacher exam.
✅ Hindi - Test questions and previous year solved papers in hindi for CBSE teacher exam.
✅ Maths - Test questions and solved papers in hindi and english.
✅ Social Science - Test questions for TET exam study and solved papers in english and hindi for CBSE teacher exam.
📕 Best app for CTET exam test preparation in hindi and english, UPTET exam test preparation in hindi and english, SUPER TET preparation in hindi and english, B.ed exam preparation and teacher exam.
📕 All the questions were taken from the previous year solved TET papers syllabus, all the questions are very important for CTET exam study, you can study and prepare from this app to increase score in the exam.