Tentacle Timebar APP
For each device, the following information is available:
・frame rate
・battery status
・signal strength
In contrast to the regular "Tentacle Setup" app, this app does not allow for changing the configuration of your Tentacle Sync E on purpose. That is, it provides a "read-only" view of your setup, reducing the potential of accidental misconfiguration.
The app let's you use your android device together with you Sync E as a digital slate, while it gives you the possibility to display customizable meta information beneath the timecode.
The app can display timecode in the format of an QR code. Various GoPro cameras can read this QR code and embed the timecode in their meta data.
It also provides a night mode for dark environments.
Tentacle Sync E and Tentacle Track E are available at https://shop.tentaclesync.com or one of our resellers.
Questions? Please visit: www.tentaclesync.com.