Tensor SSVM allows organisations operating unmanned or manned receptions to cut reception and back-office costs and to streamline site access for customers, contractors and visitors. It supports multiple visitor types (Visitor/Contractor/Employee) and enables administrators to specify the workflow – a series of steps required in the check IN and check OUT process – for each visitor type.
The Tensor Self-Service Visitor Management App provides the following functionality.
• Tablets are configured to receive visitors arriving for their appointments at specific locations within a site.
• Visitors can check in against a pre-planned appointment of create ad hoc appointments.
• Visitors can be automatically recognised by scanning QR or bar codes printed on their appointment documentation or passes.
• Check IN and check OUT of contractors can be restricted to pass holders only.
• Visitor images can be captured on arrival, using the tablet's camera.
• Signed acceptance of site rules can be captured using the tablet's touch screen.
• Full reporting of visitor responses to check IN / OUT questionnaires is available via Tensor.NET.
• Numerous screen customisations are available, based upon themes created in SSM:
• The display background and logo images.
• Select the colours used for text, button and the background displayed.
• Pick from a range of message types which message to display.
• Hide or reveal certain screen features.
• Specify the workflow for each visitor type.
• Automated pass printing at check IN.
• Hosts are notified by email of visitor arrival.
Tensor SSVM is is compatible with version of Tensor SSM, registered with a MCVS serial number.