Manage and control your new satellite system with ten Haaft APP
With the ten Haaft APP, you have many options for configuring and controlling your satellite system from the home ten Haaft available. Furthermore, it offers basic operating functions such as Antenna in and out and make satellite change. The mirror LED Oyster V can be operated via the APP. Thanks to the integrated news ticker keeps the APP always changes up to date and informed immediately when, for example, Satellite change characteristics. So you are always informed and also learn when new features are such as a firmware update available. This can then be loaded easily on your smartphone or tablet. It also offers you the APP advanced diagnostic capabilities when problems arise. These are then displayed on the smartphone or tablet, such as "Software is not currently", "TV inactive" or "supply problems". The automatic update of the APP on the ten Haaft Server takes place several times a day. This app is free to download and also causes no additional costs for the user.
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