Telugu Daily Bible App Offline APP
Special Features:
It's totally free and always will be. (Free Offline Telugu Bible Application)
Best offline Telugu bible app. (Telugu)
User friendly readable content with and catchy user interface. (Telugu Bible)
Needs no internet connection once you download this Daily Telugu Bible App
Single theme for every day morning and evening sessions.
In one year you can cover the Bible from Genesis to Revelation
Morning and evening both on one page for convenience
Reference for every Bible Verse
Once installed you can use this app offline anywhere for free with no cost.
App displays Telugu Bible text in Clear Telugu Font (Telugu)
Very fast to launch and display the Daily bible
Supports all versions of Android
Kindly Share your thoughts as comments so that we can serve the Gospel on Daily Telugu Bible App better..
Daily routine is a guide to daily life and eternal life
A guide for daily life and eternal life
A restless movement in the mechanical cycle of life - 'Write the vision plainly on the tablet, that the student may run and read' (Habakkuk 2:2).
Composed only of God's words, it is made with one element to allow you to read and meditate on the Bible words morning and evening all year long. In one year we will be able to read the parts of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, which contain all that is necessary for God's power and life. (2 Pet 1:3) This unique composition of God's words is truly 'Daily Light in the Daily Path' (Psalm 119:106).
DAILY LIGHT IN THE DAILY PATH is the source of this meditation. This book can be downloaded for free on the internet either in book form or for daily study in English language. It is arranged for those who wish to experience the sweetness of the Telugu language.
The app prepared in accordance with the Bible verse 'Make it plain on tablets, that he who runs may read it' (Hab 2:2)
Today's Vocabulary Highlights:
1. Every day reminder method to read the sentence, click on the logo to get the part to be read that day.
2. If you open the setting to meditate on the verse of different days and click on Multiple Pages, you can read the verse of the desired date according to the calendar.
3. For special days like birthdays, open the setting to meditate on the verse and click on Special days to read God's words for the desired special time.
4. In order to have courage to believe that our God is a God who can be turned to for every situation, occasion and problem, there are approximately 141 names of the many names of God, if you open the setting and click on the names of God, you can read about the name that suits the situation.
Thank you all for your motivating feedback and reviews :)