TelU Openlib APP
'TelU Openlib’ is a comprehensive digital gateway; seamlessly integrating diverse features and services. Its user-friendly interface enables individuals to explore an abundance of resources effortlessly, promoting a seamless and enhanced library experience.
This innovative platform is a digital hub, offering easy access to an extensive book catalog, the latest news, and subscribed journals. Users can explore electronic books, track their borrowing history, extend their loan, and receive notifications for available books.
'TelU Openlib' goes beyond being a mere library app; it's a collaborative space. The app enables users to reserve library rooms, submit their scientific work for approval by their academic supervisors, submit library procurements, and use the online book delivery service which ensures that borrowed books get into the hands of the right users. In essence, 'TelU Openlib' reflects Telkom University Open Library's commitment to modernize access to information, foster collaboration, and make learning more convenient and inclusive.