Telemail APP
Telemail is a real-time email, (or an organized & secure messenger) useful for your work or personal communication. With Telemail you send and receive emails using your telephone number instead of email-id. Simply install the Telemail app and start Telemailing.
Various studies show - approximately 225 billion emails are sent every day, out of which around 60% are spam mails. Managing these spam mails consumed 33 billion kWh of electricity in 2010. In terms of carbon footprint, 100% spam control would mean taking 3Mn to 531Mn cars off the road.
Telemail offers spam-free / less-spam email due to its natural characteristics. Additionally Telemail doesn't duplicate email content or attachments per user / inbox (even in forwards and trail-mails), hence it saves tons of space and energy required to maintain such content.
For an individual this means - no time wasted in filtering spam, less data usage and a better world by going green.