Telecolor Green Team is one of the historical broadcasters in Lombardy

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Telecolor is one of the historical television broadcasters of Lombardy.
Founded in 1988 by the current publishers, Pierluigi and Antonella Baronio, si e
immediately characterized by its social commitment and today it is considered one
authoritative and reliable voice in information especially in the sector
of health and the environment, also winning numerous journalistic awards
The broadcaster uses a large pool of journalists, technicians and collaborators
of great experience and professionalism able to offer to the public and to
advertisers a refined and quality product.
Since 2006, anticipating the transition to digital, TV has gone from one
generalist programming with a very marked characterization on
health and the environment.
Today the broadcaster promotes the | Health & Nature project through the
realization of very articulated programs aimed at natural medicine
and integrated, with organic and biodynamic agriculture, with a diet
healthy and aware, to the new culture of respect for life in any
form and of any animal species, to ecology, geopolitics, rights
humans and the many fascinating naturalistic reportages.
The definition "Green Team" that we have given to our work group
it is not only referred to our television footprint, but and above all a
commitment we make with our audience of viewers for
propose a model of economic and social development that takes into account the

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