Tehran Times APP
The Tehran Times (TT) is the Islamic Republic of Iran’s first English daily newspaper, which began its work in 1979 to air the voice of the Islamic Revolution. The daily’s general policy was based on Ayatollah Beheshti’s statement: “The Tehran Times is not the newspaper of the government; it must be a loud voice of the Islamic Revolution and the loudspeaker of the oppressed people of the world”.
This sentence is written on the exterior wall of the newspaper’s offices, so that it is always remembered by the staff as a motto. Now, after 41 years, the Tehran Times has become a strong tree, the fruit of which is attracting readers from over 80 different countries. Every day, the newspaper staff comes together from different parts of the Tehran metropolis to present their work on the next day in 16 pages at the newsstands. TT covers domestic, political, social, foreign, and sports news and also includes commentary.
Due to its accepted duties, TT makes a special effort to publish reports on cultural and religious issues. For Islamic ceremonies and religious occasions, the culture and arts page is dedicated to the event. To make the content more colorful, additional stories on Iran’s tourist attractions, women’s issues, children’s issues, and the Internet are also included and those interested can read them on special pages every week. The Tehran Times has become a reliable news source for hundreds of foreign media outlets as well as envoys from different countries based in Tehran, who read it to learn what’s running in the country. The daily also has an educational function since English language students use it as a source to learn Standard English. In 1996, the daily published a glossary which includes great numbers of press vocabularies along with their Persian equivalents. The fifth edition of TT’s glossary is now available on the book market.
In 2002, Tehran Times decided to establish a news agency which later came to be known as the Mehr News Agency (MNA). Now, Tehran Times and MNA are run by a single management system with MNA staff triple that of TT.
Since the beginning of Iranian calendar year 1390 (March 21, 2011) all the newspaper’s pages are printed in color.