Tech it easy 1 APP
To Tech it easy! 1 is an A ’Senior level series specifically designed to consolidate all English language skills.
The material becomes simple and understandable through interesting texts with attractive illustrations and a variety of fun exercises! Thus each student can handle the language with great comfort in both oral and written speech.
The series consists of two main books and is accompanied by the i-book, an interactive software (interactive software), which contains all the material of the series and facilitates independent study, since it makes English a game!
The i-book contains:
• Vocabulary with pronunciation, translation and examples for the whole vocabulary
• Reading texts with audios
• Reading videos
• Grammar songs with video clips
• Extra vocabulary & grammar activities different from those of the book in the form of video games
• Automatic assessment system: The exercises are corrected automatically, to facilitate independent study. The student can save his / her grade or send it electronically to the teacher.
• Educational video games
• Vocabulary list: electronic glossary with all the vocabulary of the series
• Irregular verbs list with the pronunciation of all irregular verbs
• Star list: a list where the student can save words / phrases that he wants to study more
• Spelling traps: spelling exercise
• Christmas Lesson with vocabulary and activities
Download the i-book application now to learn English easily and pleasantly from your tablet or smartphone!