Tech Gup - Bengali Tech News APP
Key Features :
Tech News: We provide the best Tech news in Bengali, with the latest gadgets, new launches, product comparisons, trending apps, and suggestions to keep your data protected.
Autocar News: Read the latest car and bike news, electric scooter, and e-bike news in Bengali.
Clean, Lightweight: The news offered in the Tech gup app is crisp and short so that you can read all the news in a day quickly. Plus, the app uses Google's Material UI design language for a smooth lag-free experience.
Tech Trends: Want to know what's trending in the tech world? The app features a scrollable bar on the top that brings you trends from the technology world, updated in real-time. These trends are smart and based on the topics that are making all the noise in the tech world across the globe.
Bookmark A News & Night mode: Save your favorite news to read later & turn on the night mode for easy reading at night.
Ease of Use: The app is a fast event in 2g/3g network and easy to browse.
Notification: Get the latest news notifications & breaking news alerts. You can read all the latest notifications in our notification center. Report any issues or share feedback & tell us how we can improve Techgup - write to