The app which can calculate the remaining battery usage time

Latest Version

Feb 28, 2023

App APKs

Tec Booster - junk APP

★New features have been updated★

🔋 App Analysis: Analyze how long commonly used apps are available under the current battery

📱 App Manager: List infrequently apps and apk files

🆑 Large Files Scan: Scan and delete large files

★Top Features★

🆑 Junk Files Scan
- Help to scan junk files on your device

🎯 Virus Scan
- Scan the apps in your phone for viruses, help blocks and removes them

🆑 Deep Scanning
- Deep scan files on your phone

☂ Notification Blocker
- Help you collect annoying notifications and block them

💪 Battery Health
- Provide real-time tracking data from your device. You can view your device details and battery information with one tap, such as battery capacity, current capacity, battery status, etc.

📱 Device Details
- Provide your device details, battery details and CPU details


- Quickly know the remaining battery usage time
- Estimate the time it takes to fully charge the phone

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