Teachy APP
But we know that the journey to success is long, lonely, and full of challenges.
You may stop a few times, lose faith, and think this is the end, but it is never the end when you are a dreamer. We are here to support you and take your hand to succeed together.
Our journey began with humble and simple steps at the end of 2020, hoping to help dreamers like us achieve their dreams and acquire skills and knowledge that qualify them to achieve their goals and dreams in life.
We faced many difficulties and pitfalls, and we had to stop several times, and each time we imagined that it was the end, but it was not, and everything we went through did not stop us from striving, because the dream still haunts us, and that is why we continue.
During our journey, we provided more than 1,500 hours of live lessons and helped dozens of ambitious students.
During our trip, we focused on providing courses with live lessons to develop the English speaking skill and we are now striving to provide more courses in various fields, including design, marketing, and building mobile applications, websites, and other languages, to help more aspirants, dreamers, and future makers reach their goals.
We understand you and your need for success, and how much you seek to build a better life for you and your loved ones. We understand the difficulty of dreaming in our country. We understand how the current level of education may not qualify you to get a job that suits you and meets your needs. That’s why we are here, and we are sure of our success and building a better future because we are the future makers.