TC Lottery - Color Prediction APP
TC Lottery has very easy and simple to use UI, So that everyone can use it. And color combination is also good.
Very easy question available in this app so that everyone can answer it.
So if you just want to pass your time by just choosing colors and enjoy then you can install this tc lottery app.
There is a question like where you see the colours and there are four option in text format of colours like colour name red and green etc. Only one option is a true answer otherwise all three are wrong answer. So be careful while answering the question in tc lottery .
After you successfully answer 5 question then you can see your marks on the colours if you got 25 marks it means you answered all correctly and if you got only 5 or 0 marks it means you have not played well in tc lottery
So you can click on play again button to continue to answer those questions and again enjoy and got better marks than previous one. So keep trying tc lottery app.