Taxi Spot APP
But that’s not all - you can also explore your surroundings or your destination with Taxi Spot. Using the Explore Surroundings function, you can choose or filter from different categories as desired.
Would you like to go to a great restaurant during your vacation? Then set the filter for food/drink and you will immediately receive information about the restaurants and their location. The whole thing works in the same way for the following tabs: Attractions, Excursion Destinations/Shopping, Hotels/Restaurants or, if you can, choose your own favorites.
If you know in advance that you will need a taxi on a certain day, you can easily pre-order one in the app without having to make a long phone call or write an annoying email and hope that you get a confirmation. At Taxi Spot, every trip you order is booked and the driver would contact you if there are any changes.
We only ask you to be patient in rural areas if you make spontaneous bookings. Since the distances are longer and the density of taxis is somewhat lower than in the cities, we ask you to give us and the drivers a grace period of one hour.
You can pay in the taxi with credit card, debit card or even in cash.