Tassica MCI APP
TASSICA MCI provides, on and offline, real-time support to the EMS professional (doctor, nurse or paramedic) in the out-of-hospital response to a mass casualty incident (MCI):
1. MEDICAL CARE: TASSICA MCI helps the EMS responder to:
a) Establish victim assistance priority (assistance triage).
b) Clinical decisions making.
c) Establish victim transportation priority (evacuation triage).
2. INFORMATION: TASSICA MCI allows the user to save all the key information regarding:
a) MCI scene size-up: geolocation of incident, approximate number of victims, type and cause of incident, etc.
b) Casualties: updated list of casualties showing individual code, identity, sex, age, priority, etc.
c) Care report: individual patient report with all the clinical information of each casualty.
d) Transportation record: assigned ambulance, destination, etc.
3. COMMUNICATIONS: TASSICA MCI provides the user, at any moment, with an operational report of the MCI and with a complete medical report of each casualty, which can be sent by email (only online) to the suitable recipient, including the images if wanted.
4. INCIDENT MANAGEMENT: TASSICA MCI also helps the user in making decisions when he has to assume responsibility in the command or coordination of the MCI. It offers recommendations regarding the number and distribution of EMS personnel, according to the number and severity of the casualties, and also according to the decided treatment strategy ("scoop & run" or "stay & play").
In short, TASSICA MCI makes easier:
• The work of the EMS professional in a context of maximum stress such as an MCI.
• A faster, effective, continuous and quality healthcare for the casualties
• The communication of the operative and medical information relative to the MCI.
• The patient tracking, reducing the time for casualties management in situ and advancing the transportation of the patients to the hospital.
The "TRAINING MODE" and the "SIMULATION" mode allow the TASSICA MCI user an easy virtual training for the EMS response to an MCI.
TASSICA MCI allows to preserve the history of registered MCI. In this way it is possible to obtain and share the lessons learned that can greatly improve the command and management of the MCI.
TASSICA MCI is a native mobile application for Android devices (Os 4 +) smartphone or tablet.
interface in two languages (Spanish and English).
Works offline: It does not require an internet connection to work, except for sending reports by email.
Versión 1.0.0