12 beat scratch looper app. All beats produced by TapeFive. 85 - 105 BPM

Latest Version

May 5, 2024

App APKs

TapeFive - Scratch Looper APP

As part of my Advanced Programming for Mobile Devices module at University this year we were asked to plan and develop a mobile application of our own choice, so I decided to do my first scratch looper app using Android Studio. Having made several flash looper programmes using Swish Max 4 over the past few years, I’ve wanted to make one in app form for quite a while so it was a bonus to be able to incorporate it into my studies.

Trigger beats by clicking on icons, the BPM of each beat will also be shown on screen when an icon is pressed. A timer is displayed on screen to monitor the duration of your scratch sessions as well as a stop button. Clicking the TapeFive logo directs you to my personal Soundcloud which has loads more looper beats and DJ mixes.

** Cutfast looper added with new interface design and 6 more looped beats **

Interface updates:

Main menu gives user the option to select either the TapeFive Looper or Cutfast Looper interface.

Title bar removed.

Stop button now appears at top left of screen.

Timer now appears at top right of screen.

Beats stop when back button clicked.

Exit button removed.

Closing splash screen removed.
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