Tap and Gain - Earn coins, pri APP
T& G Highlights
* Simple and easy application
* The free app that keeps you entertained
* Invite friends and earn free coins
* Redeem coins to get gifts
* Choose your favourite gifts
Invite and Earn
T&G encourages you to invite your friends to play the tap and play the game. When you invite a friend you and your friend earn free coins to your account.
There are numerous slots, and each slot represents some virtual coins, the coins in any slot randomly selected & managed by application/system.
You can participate/tap in any slot 'n' number of times depending on the user type and activities. The system will randomly select one user and announce it as the winner and the winner details can be viewed on the winner section of the left menu bar. The winner will get coins (associated with the slot) topped up in his/her account, and the winner will get the notification as well (top menu, bell icon).
Stay Active And Earn Coins:
* You can keep gaining coins by simply staying active. You become a Silver User when you participate in 250+ slots and you can maximize your chances to gain the coins by twice.
* You can become a Gold User by participating in 1,000 + slots and can maximize your chances to gain the coins by thrice.
* You can become a Diamond User by participating in 5,000 + slots and can maximize your chances to gain the coins by five times.
* Once you collect 5,000 coins you can raise a redemption request and T & G will buy the gift of your choice.
T&G is a game that keeps you engaged and you can play the game from anywhere and everywhere. It doesn’t tax your brain unlike many other games but keeps you entertained and engaged while rewarding you with coins. Coins can be redeemed as gift voucher or any item available online portal (like Amazon) services available in the user country.
There is no joining fee or up-gradation fee. T&G is a free and transparent application that is developed to keep smart people smarter. Leave your stress and worries. Just tap and play- relax your mind and say goodbye to tension and worries.
T& G is a game that is designed to provide you entertainment while you are actively involved in the game, making it one of the most sought-after ones by smart people.
So, if you're looking for mobile games this app will keep you hooked and entertain you for hours and also reward you with coins and gifts.
Download the app, play the game, invite friends, earn coins, win big, and get rewarded with prizes!