Tandem t:slim® mobile app APP
- Freedom to deliver a bolus from your smartphone*
- Freedom to see clearly with a secondary display for the pump†
- Freedom to be discreet with more places to wear your pump
- Freedom to be in the know with push notifications to your smartphone‡
- Freedom to wirelessly upload pump therapy data to cloud
Note: Units of measure on app may differ from those pictured above. Mobile app units of measure will match the paired t:slim X2 insulin pump.
*Requires a t:slim X2 insulin pump from Tandem Diabetes Care and a compatible smartphone. Additional restrictions apply. For more info, please visit tandemdiabetes.com/mobile-bolus. †The information on the Tandem t:slim mobile app display may not be identical to the current status of your pump. Wireless uploads from the Tandem t:slim mobile app to the cloud-based Tandem Source platform require a compatible phone and an internet or wireless data connection. Uploads to the Tandem Source platform do not take place in real time and should not be relied upon by healthcare providers, pump users, or caregivers for remote patient monitoring. Standard carrier data rates may apply. ‡You cannot dismiss alerts and alarms from the app and must do so on the pump itself, but once an alert or alarm has been dismissed on the pump it will also disappear from the mobile app.