This App is initiated by CDC and AILabs aiming to reduce the spread of pandemic.

Latest Version

Apr 6, 2023

App APKs

Taiwan Social Distancing APP

“Taiwan Social Distancing app” is developed by the Taiwan Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (Taiwan AI Labs) in collaboration with the Executive Yuan and Taiwan Centers of Disease Control (Taiwan CDC) of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The app provides at-risk users located in Taiwan (including Penghu, Kinmen, and the Matsu archipelagoes) COVID-19 exposure notifications and follow-up instructions to contact their nearest health bureau in an effort to reduce further spread of COVID-19.

● Reduce risk of exposure by minimizing non-essential in-person interactions

Social interaction modeling provides information to help people make educated decisions on traveling, commuting, and shopping.

● Use on a Voluntary Basis

Users may install or uninstall the app based on their own preference.

● Mitigate Negative Economical Impacts

The goal is to encourage the public to reduce social interactions and allow businesses to maintain daily operation while following social distancing protocols. This helps reduce the chance of potential government mandated economic activity suspension.

● Reduce the Risk of Transmission

People are encouraged to carry on with their daily lives while reducing non-essential physical interactions.

● Save Lives

Users tested positive for COVID-19 can anonymously share their status with those who have recently come into close contact with them. Privacy of all users will be protected while preventing further spread of COVID-19.

● Manage vaccination certificate for you and your loved ones

Carry a digital copy of the vaccination certificate by scanning the QR code of the digital COVID-19 certificate.
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