Tac Life Time Solutions APP
"I'm calling a Tac!" for that demanding customer
"I'm calling a Tac!" to bring some medicines to the grandmother
"I'm calling a Tac!" for a personal or business commission
"I'm calling a Tac!" for a special delivery
"I'm calling a Tac!" to organize a lunch, a dinner or go to the dry cleaners
Tac! offers a service aimed at simplifying the way to manage daily errands, deliveries, tasks and everything that, especially in large cities, can be a source of general difficulty or take time away. In short, a personal concierge who carries out everything we can delegate on your behalf, because each concierge is dedicated to providing a tailor-made, highly professional and qualified service capable of establishing that relationship of trust that will make the "Call a Tac" a pleasant and indispensable habit.
Our services can be programmed and carried out even on the same day of activation of the service request (with "urgency" even in the same time slot).
Tac! It offers its services to individuals and companies.
Tac! loves the city for this reason mobility is zero impact for us, we only use electric vehicles (scooters, Big Biro, electric cars) to carry out our services.
The Tac Concierges! they are boys and girls in good standing in terms of contributions and taxes in accordance with the provisions of the law, including accident prevention, and collective bargaining.
Tac! It guarantees that it has taken out suitable insurance policies for civil liability to cover all risks and on the goods transported.