Tabuada Falada APP
With this APP it is easier for the child to learn how to mentally calculate the accounts of more, less, of times and of dividing.
Make the basic settings to suit your pace of study.
In the settings can be made many choices, see the details below:
1. Speed of pronunciation.
normal or
2. Pause between questions from 0 seconds to 4 seconds.
2 + 3 = 5 [PAUSE]
2 + 4 = 6 [PAUSE] ...
3. Pause for the response between 0 s and 10 s.
2 + 3 = [PAUSE] 5
4. Automatic Tabuette Repeat
Same Tabuada,
Next Tabuada
5. Order
Ascending, Descending, Random
6. Pronunciation of Result
is equal to, is, results in
7. Pronunciation of Addition
2 plus 3
2 joining with 3
2 added to 3
2 with 3
2 added to 3
2 increased by 3
8. In addition add the largest number first
9. Subtraction Pronunciation
3 minus 2
3 subtracted from 2
3 decreased by 2
3 strip 2
3 remove 2
3 subtract 2
10. Pronunciation of Multiplication
2 times 3
2 times 3
11. In multiplication, first put the smallest number
12. Pronunciation of the Division
4 divided by 2
4 divides by 2
4 divided by 2
4 deals with 2