Tabo Business APP
Using Tabo Business you will be able to manage all the bookings made by clients for all the places you set the details on the Tabo dashboard. You can see all your bookings: select what you want to see or manage by many filters (like booked, pending, accepted, rejected bookings or other kind of status), slide and scroll through them to have a comprehensive view.
Your map is the boss
In Tabo business app you can easily navigate through your today’s, tomorrow’s or other day in the calendar bookings. The seat map interactively changes colours depending on how many chaise-longues at the beach or tables at the restaurant your customers have booked throughout the day, and you can slide in the bottom part of the screen through the service hours to see how your day is looking so far. Relax, Tabo business app is doing the rest!
One click, one story
You can zoom in and out on the map and if you tap on a specific chaise-longue or a table on your seat map, the whole ‚story’ reveals! Who made the reservation, the phone number, for what day, hour, how many people, for how long and other details. Be sure to check if the customer has some comments 😊Of course, you can also book and occupy tables in the platform, if you opted for the premium package.
A photo like a thousand words
Tabo business app allows you to enrich the customer experience with your place’s photos taken in a specific moment or event and immediately uploaded on the platform, so that the clients see what you have done or change with your place. It is important to post the most accurate images of your business, because customers are our best friends but also our most honest critics.