System Monitor APP
Works fast, consumes minimum of memory, low CPU usage, which also saves battery power.
● Home screen widgets:
► System Resources – displays general information about the system. Allow you to configure the options for action by clicking on the widget (configurable in the options program). Available actions for a widget:
- Clean up the memory by pressing a widget
- Launch System monitor
- Update the content of the widget
► CPU Monitor – displays a graph of the current CPU load.
► Memory monitor – displays a graph of memory usage.
► Battery monitor – displays a graph of battery usage.
● Task Manager. Manages tasks loaded to RAM. Capabilities:
► Close tasks. Tasks in the application divided on types:
- System tasks highlighted to red color. Closing system tasks not recommended – it might cause instability in the system.
- User tasks highlighted to green color. User tasks you can safely close.
- Ignored tasks, highlighted in white. Ignored tasks – are tasks that you added to the Ignore List.
► Indicates the number of memory used for tasks.
► Auto closing tasks. To allow closing of system tasks, you need to enable option «Closing system tasks» in «Menu/Settings/Memory clearing».
► Ignore List. When adding tasks to Ignore List it will not close automatically when finished.
● Package Manager. Manages the applications installed on your system. Capabilities:
► Run applications
► Information about installed package
► Opening Android Market page for the selected application
► Uninstalling the applications packages
► Search for installed packages.
● Detail information of the system:
- OS Build
- Memory
- Telephony
- Networks
- WiFi
- Storage
- Battery
- Camera
- Display
- Sensors
● Turn off monitoring tasks when screen off, it allow save battery power.
● Clean memory when screen off.
► Modes of memory cleanup:
Low – clean tasks what do not use resources
Medium – clean unused tasks and background tasks
High – clean unused task, background tasks and active tasks
Hard – clean all available tasks.
● Adding a Monitor System icon in the notification bar. Pressing on icon will run Task Manager. In addition, you can add to the notification area icon of current CPU usage and memory usage icon.
● Support autorun. If this option is enabled, after every reboot of the system will display an icon in notification area. When press icon the System monitor run.