SynergyMMS APP
SynergyMobile is an extension of SynergyMMS that allows mobile users to access the system in a way that is convenient and highly efficient providing the information they need in a simple and intuitive fashion. With SynergyMobile, the transfer of information between departments happens seamlessly and automatically.
The application is asynchronous so a persistent connection is not required meaning you can continue using SynergyMobile where no wireless signal exists. The application offers the following feature set:
•Work requests
-Add parts/labor
•PM Inspection Checklist
-Record each answer with pass/fail
•Equipment details management
-Datasheets included
•Inventory management
-Check out/Receive/Audit
Additional Features:
•Support for Portrait/Landscape screen rotation
•Both UPC and QR barcode reading now supported
•Filtering of work request list for those assigned to “me”, “my department”, “none” or “all” (rights-dependent)
•Search the list by location, equipment and/or keyword in the description
•Icons now display for guest requests and PM tasks in the work request list
•PICTURES! You can attach pictures to work requests and view those attached through the main program
•Inspection items can be linked to a task code or keyword to auto-fill a new work request when problems are indicated
SynergyMobile: It is all in the palm of your hand.
Please contact Systems Associates to obtain access to SynergyMobile at