Synap APP
In short, Synap is an enormous MCQ (and past-paper) resource, growing daily through user-generated content. As you study, Synap will send you just the right questions, at the right times, to ensure you never forget them!
- Take MCQ quizzes in practice or exam mode
- Create Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) quizzes*
- Find MCQs on almost any topic, for all levels of education*
- See insights into your study progress, pick out weak topics and work on your strengths*
- Purchase premium quality quizzes from well-known publishers like Oxford University Press
* These features are currently unavailable on this Android beta. We are working tirelessly to add them ASAP! For the time being, please use our Web app (
This is an early-release beta of Synap Android. Please login using your details from Your quizzes will be synced to the app, including your purchased content!
Happy learning!
Team Synap
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