Sympto Stars APP
In 2008 we were the first interpretive fertilily charting program online. Since then, we have continued to offer online training internationally in the most effective method of fertility charting: the genuine sympto-thermal method that we coined Symptothermia. Introducing now Sympto Stars, your fertility companion that includes personal instruction in multiple languages with an upgraded charting interface.
Created by the Swiss SymptoTherm Foundation, sympto® integrates the sympto® School consisting of an international team of certified instructors, a virtual training platform, and the app that displays your fertility status in real time by interpreting your biomarkers.
Sympto Stars assesses your fertility status by correlating your estrogen marker and your progesterone marker and does not rely on problematic predictive algorithms.
The fertile window is guaranteed when used competently after six months of training with a certified sympto instructor.
When you register for your account, you receive 15 days of free personal guidance by a natural family planning instructor. Later you can choose a supscription for future months of additional instruction. You have the option to purchase the app without any instruction.
This all-natural method is easy and scientifically proven (see app comparison studies on and can be used to achieve or avoid pregnancy.
Sympto Stars offers modes for different cycle situations: pregnancy, breastfeeding and perimenopause.
A Pilot mode option guides you through your first cycle with instructional prompts every step of the way. This can be switched to Expert mode when you are more advanced in your skills, after you complete your training.
Easy-to-use icons that represent your cervical fluid observations in categories relevant to your fertility status.
**Billings- or Temperature-only modes can be activated to bridge difficult cycles..
**Qualified instructors in a number of languages
**Complete instructional text available in several languages
** Printable cyclograph PDF function
** After a 6-month training you receive a certificate of competence in cycle literacy
** Display of moon phases and basic smileys help you see yourself in harmony with the universe
ATTENTION: It's not recommended to install this app into the private space as it may not function correctly if they're added to a private space.