SweetHive APP
The recipe that combines and gives meaning to tools and ingredients stored in different Clouds: from file-Sharing to Context-Sharing
In Context Messaging
You can write about different topics, never making confusion. Do you often jump between subjects while messaging with others? Now you can do it without generating any confusion with others.
In Context Calendar
Calendar may explode of events, especially when it is shared between many people... how to manage it? Simply, let everybody put their events in the correct Context. From top you will see the full calendar, browsing the Context tree you will filter events.
In Context Tasks
Every activity, to do list, needs to be shared in ordered way. Car? Home? School? Job? Just select the correct Place and Context to see all related tasks... or just see from top what is at lower levels.
In Context Anydocs
For file and link sharing. You can share from external services (Dropbox, Onedrive, GoogleDrive...) or using the free space provided by SweetHive.
Groups and easy permissions
You can share very selectively, keeping things easy. Like in other messaging systems you write to Groups, here you just select between Groups "Active in the Context".