Swayam Talks APP
Subjects on Swayam Talks range from Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Science & Technology, Education, Sports & Fitness, Art & Culture and Environment.
Swayam Talks is not just another talk series. Its format and presentation are what makes this concept unique. The issues addressed through this platform are always trending and futuristic. This platform is strongly supported by an intellectual and a well-versed audience which also includes students. The main object of this platform is to create an inspired, knowledgeable and progressive society.
Currently, ‘Swayam Talks’ is being conducted in 8 major cities in Maharashtra and has a massive digital reach across all social media platforms.
This App has rich content which is presented in an impressive way comparative to an OTT Platform.
Some important features of this App:
- You can view recorded videos from all Swayam Talks Events, Short films and Interviews of various personalities, podcasts and blogs.
- Download video and podcasts for offline playback.
- Add videos and podcasts to 'My List', and get direct access to the content of your liking.
- Listen to stories and short stories of renowned writers in the Podcast section
- 'Swayam Diaries', a page where you can find blogs and other articles
- Users once registered can access Podcast and Blogs
- Swayam Talks App can also be shared with the help of a special feature called Swayam-'Gift Cards' at concessional rates
- Stay Logged in to your account, and enjoy watching talks, interviews and other videos and podcasts of inspiring personalities.
* ‘स्वयं’च्या आतापर्यंतच्या आणि या पुढील सर्व लाईव्ह शोजचे व्हिडिओज, विविध विषयांवरील प्रेरणादायी फिल्म्स, मुलाखती, पॉडकास्ट आणि ब्लॉग्ज फक्त या ॲपवरच उपलब्ध असतील.
* ‘स्वयं टॉक्स’वरील व्हिडिओ ऑनलाईन पाहण्याची, डाऊनलोड करुन ऑफलाईन पाहण्याची आणि इतरांसोबत शेअर करण्याची सुविधा
* आपल्या आवडत्या व्हिडिओजची 'watch list' करण्याची सुविधा ॲपमध्ये उपलब्ध असल्यामुळे तुम्हाला ते निवडक व्हिडिओज तुमच्या सोयीने पाहता येतील. पॉडकास्ट करिता हीच सुविधा उपलब्ध आहे.
* 'पॉडकास्ट' विभागात मान्यवर लेखकांच्या कथा, लघुकथा आणि लेख यांचा निखळ आनंद घेता येऊ शकतो.
* ‘स्वयं डायरीज’ या ब्लॉग्जमध्ये उत्तमोत्तम वैचारिक आणि माहितीपूर्ण लेख वाचण्याची सुविधा आपणांस मिळते.
* ‘स्वयं पॉडकास्ट’ आणि ‘स्वयं डायरीज’ खास स्वयं टॉक्सच्या रजिस्टर्ड सभासदांकरिता इथे विनामूल्य उपलब्ध आहेत.
* ‘स्वयं गिफ्ट कार्ड’च्या माध्यमातून तुम्ही स्वयं टॉक्सचे वार्षिक सभासदत्व, सवलतीच्या दरात तुमच्या प्रियजनांना भेट देऊन त्यांनाही स्वयं परिवारात सामील करुन घेऊ शकता.
* 'स्वयं ॲप'वर तुम्ही सदैव Logged In राहता आणि अगदी कधीही स्वयं टॉक्सचा मनसोक्त आनंद घेऊ शकता.
'Swayam' is a brand name owned by the parent company Passion 360 Multimedia Pvt. Ltd. All the content under the name 'Swayam' is copyrighted and sole property of the parent company.