SWAP by Maritz APP
To give SWAP a try, use Activation Code 0000-0000-0000-0000 and Badge ID #1 to enter the app’s “Demo Mode”. When prompted to enter an ID, you may use the number 1001 – 1009. When prompted to enter a last initial, enter “A”. If you have questions or would like to receive an Activation Code, please call 1-800-787-0475.
Now exhibitors can capture leads anywhere during the tradeshow: sessions, meetings, events, in the hallway, on the bus, at dinner – onsite or off-site!
•Capture leads per salesperson and in aggregate
•Each salesperson can view their leads on their smartphone
•DecisionPoint allows exhibitor management to measure productivity of each salesperson
•Take notes within each lead and answer qualifying questions
•Export a list of leads in multiple formats
•Native app works in off-line mode: not dependent upon continuous cellular connectivity to work
•DecisionPoint portal reports both SWAP and Optium reader lead data together for show organizer and exhibitors