Install the app and connect to SU ELECTRICIDADE, it's simple and free.
If you are already registered in the reserved area of SU ELETRICIDADE, use the same access data (email and password).
If you are not yet a user, register in the application, it's simple.
Enjoy the advantages of the SU ELECTRICIDADE app
* Receive prompts to send readings on the ideal dates to have invoices without estimates
* Change your details, customize your account and your contracts
* Access your invoices, check payment details and control your consumption
* Track your orders and subscribe to e-invoice and direct debit
* Find out if you have the most appropriate tariff for your consumption
If you have questions related to the SU ELECTRICIDADE app, you can:
»Consult the help area on the SU ELETRICIDADE website
»Contact SU ELETRICIDADE through the telephone number 210 540 540, on working days, from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm (local call cost)