Strum Machine APP
Strum Machine will play any chord progression, in any key, at any speed. It's one of the few apps built specifically for players of bluegrass, old-time, and fiddle tunes.
• Hear rhythm backup generated in real time from real instrument audio.
• Instantly change the speed, or have the speed automatically increase.
• View chord charts as letters or numbers (i.e. "1-4-5") and change the key with two taps.
• Over 1000 songs (mostly from bluegrass and old-time) ready to go.
• Add your own songs (or edit existing ones) with our simple song editor.
• Make lists of songs to practice from, or share with your friends.
• Syncs your custom songs, lists, and preferences with any device you use Strum Machine on: phone, tablet, or computer.
• Monthly or annual subscription options; easy to cancel, generous refund policy.
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How can Strum Machine improve your music practice?