StreamLabs APP
Choose from three StreamLabs devices: StreamLabs Scout, StreamLabs Monitor or StreamLabs Control. All three of these Wi-Fi-enabled devices provide leak protection for your home, and work together or independently. The StreamLabs Scout and the StreamLabs Smart Home Water Monitor each install in under 5-minutes with no pipe cutting, tools, or professional installer required. The StreamLabs Control features remote, flow-based automatic water shut-off functionality, and can use alerts from the Scout to stop leaks even sooner for high-risk appliances such as water heaters and ice makers.
The StreamLabs App is mission control for your StreamLabs devices. It supports the Scout, Monitor and Control all in one place to create tailored household leak protection optimized for your needs. In the StreamLabs App, you’ll have access to:
- Live water usage
- Customized leak detection settings: slow and major leak alerts (Monitor and Control)
- Smart Alerts™ learning leak detection (Monitor and Control)
- Freeze alerts (Scout, Monitor and Control)
- Home and Away modes (Monitor and Control)
- Comparative water usage charts (Monitor and Control)
- Remote shut-off (Control only)
- Water pressure, water temperature, and humidity alerts (Control only)
- Drip Detect™ alerts (Control only)
- Temperature alerts (Scout, Monitor and Control)
- Humidity alerts (Scout and Control)
See how StreamLabs puts household leak protection at your fingertips.
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