Storm Hunter WX APP
Storm Hunter includes five high resolution NWS radars covering Iowa. Select from radar intensity and velocity, plus one click threat delineation with the "Baron Button" breaking down storm cells into rain, hail and wind threats.
Storm Hunter's Future Scan product extrapolates storm cells from their current radar locations out to one hour including predicted decay or growth.
Detailed national radar will cover you across the United States, plus our "U.S. Severe Wind" product shows the areas of greatest wind shear as detected across the network of National Weather Service Doppler Radars. This tool is useful for quickly identifying rotation and damaging wind areas.
In addition to custom alerts, you can save multiple location for specific computer generated weather forecasts from the national weather prediction models. Forecast radar and rain/snow accumulations out to 24 hours and radar estimated rain totals are great features in the Storm Hunter app.
The Storm Hunter app is linked to the Iowa Storm Chasing Network for live streaming of severe weather events from the Storm Hunter Ford Escape chase vehicle and live radar analysis for significant tornado days.
Storm Hunter Weather is sponsored by the McLaughlin Family companies in Iowa, Including New Way Ford, New Way Auto Group, McLaughlin Imprint and Apparel and Hurricane Motorsports. Advertisement links include exclusive discounts on new and used automobiles and apparel for Storm Hunter users.
Meteorologist John McLaughlin says "The Storm Hunter app is a way for me to continue to share my passion for weather, even after my 31 year career on Iowa television ended due to a medical condition. Best of all, thanks to my family members financial support, the app is free to download and use. For that I am very grateful."