Learn foreign languages or improve your vocabulary. For your choice!

Latest Version

May 15, 2020

App APKs

Still Empty Wordbook APP

Still Empty Wordbook will help your to learn foreign languages or to improve your vocabulary.
With Still Empty Wordbook you can memorize a foreign word and it`s translation.
This application is free.

How to use:
1. Create a new category for new words.
2. In newly created category add a new word which you want to memorize. You can use Speech-To-Text if you don`t want typing - select a language (button above mic-icon) and just tap on mic-icon on the right of the text field.
3. Select the color you like. It`s help you for memorise a new word.
4. Tap on "Save".

Other main features:
- the Quiz! You can to train your mind everywhere.
- you can save the vocabulary to *.csv on SD card. *.csv easy for read any text editors like Excel, Word, Notepad. In the main activity Menu - Save File.
- you can load new words or clear you vocabulary and create new one. In the main activity Menu - Load File.

FAQ: https://numbervalley.wordpress.com/still-empty-wordbook/
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