Step Champ APP
Download the Step Champ App
Create a challenge (name, duration, and set a start date)
Invite your friends, family or colleagues via invitation link
Walk and win the Step Champ challenge! 👣👣👣
With Step Champ you stay fit and heathy and can motivate each other to maximum performance. Step Champ will inform you if you slip to a lower place or if you moved up in the ranking.
No matter if you use android or iOS, Step Champ can be used regardless of your device. Log in with your google account and start walking!
Q: My steps are not being counted, what can I do?
A: For some deveices the additional installation auf Google Fit is necessary
Q: Sometimes my steps are not being added in the background, instead I need to open the application.
A: The battery saving mode of some devices may be a cause for this. If you go to your settings/ Apps/StepChamp/ battery optimizing choose not to optimize. (may vary according to your device
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