Sten-O Starter APP
You will meet Sten-O Starter in connection with your conversations with doctors, nurses and dieticians. They will use the solution to tell you about what it means to have diabetes, how it is treated, how to take insulin, how to count carbohydrates and much more.
Sten-O Starter has been developed for you by Steno Diabetes Center Nordjylland in collaboration with skilled nurses and dietitians from the children's departments at Aalborg University Hospital and Regionshospital Nordjylland.
The purpose of Sten-O Starter is to communicate knowledge about diabetes directly to you, who have diabetes, via the media that you use. Sten-O Starter must make gaining knowledge about diabetes fun and motivating.
Why is the solution called Sten-O Starter?
It does this because we use a little guy with the funny name Sten-O to guide you in your start-up process. Sten-O has type 1 diabetes himself, so he has tried everything you are now about to learn. We have adopted Sten-O from Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus, where he also helps children and young people learn about their diabetes. It is called Starter because the solution is intended to support you during the start-up process, where you start by learning about diabetes.
We hope and believe that Sten-O Starter will be of help to you in your start-up process.