Up-to-date, global, and detailed statistical Android data.

Latest Version

Jul 26, 2018
Google Play ID

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Statistics APP

Statistics and Statistics Pro provide up-to-date and global statistical data of the last 12 months for Android smartphones and tablets, always compared to your device.

The data are continually updated and prepared so that you are always up to date.
Statistics and Statistics Pro have been optimized for the best possible presentation of statistical data, no matter whether you’re using a smartphone or tablet.

Do you know, for instance, how widely used Android 7 (Nougat) is?
Or how many Android devices have a 64-bit CPU?
How many apps on average are installed on a smartphone?
How many services run in the background (undetected)?
Are you wondering if smartphones with 128 GB internal memory already widely used?
Statistics and Statistics Pro have the answers! Always compared to your device.

Excerpt of the statistical data:
- Android distribution
- Smartphone/tablet ratio
- RAM size distribution
- Distribution of the amount of internal memory
- NFC prevalence
- Average number of installed apps
- Average number of running services
- Most popular manufacturers
... and much more.

Compared to the free version, there is no advertising in Statistics Pro, and all statistical evaluations are enabled.
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