Stargame quiz GAME
The Game is now totally free, and there are no intrusive ads.
The main mode allows single players to answer questions in a variety of categories, from
planets, to space agencies, to the history of space travel and beyond, but multiplayer and community features further enhance Stargame’s appeal, along with a number of other inventive ideas.
Key features include “Divine Assets,” which are earned by answering chains of questions correctly, and which have a number of effects to help bump up the player’s score, including giving extra time, removing incorrect answers and more. Using Divine Assets unlocks trophies which then reward players with Higgs Boson, Stargame’s in-game currency, which can be spent to unlock even more Divine Assets. will donate a portion of micro-payments to Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation Foundation.
The second phase of development is bringing multi-player to Stargame, and is allowing users to create teams with their friends or players from across the world and go head-to-head with their rivals in competitions and tournaments. Divine Assets take on a whole new role in multi-player and add more tactical options to deepen the gameplay and extend the game’s long-term appeal. You can also now play against a bot.
Perhaps most excitingly of all, users can influence the Stargame’s development by submitting questions via After approval, questions will appear in the game so users can take pride that their own knowledge is being used to test that of other space enthusiasts.
Users will also be able to communicate via a customized Slack team, while further features include in-game listings for local astronomical events by groups and universities, user polls, and more.
For more information on the game, to contact the developer and to submit questions, head to
Stargame main features include:
► Multiple play modes, solo, friends, network, against a bot.
► 25 different categories ( planets, stars, rovers, particles etc ... )
► 178 different trophies,
► Unlock special options by answering chains of questions correctly,
► Questions are linked through submit your own so the global number of questions will increase,
► Autosave,
► World top scores,
► Bilingual English and French,
► Discover local events about Astronomy,
► Participate to custom poll about Astronomy,
► Join the slack team stargamequiz.