Conscious Conception in multidimensional reality

Latest Version

Dec 17, 2024

Star Babies APP

There are a wave of souls ascending on the earth in a tidal wave of love and knowledge. These souls are washing upon our shores bringing with them codes of love, evolution, and enlightenment. These souls are the bravest of the brave with intergalactic resumes that would award them any CEO position on earth.⁠

The star babies have been called and they have answered en masse to come to planet earth and to assist the shift in the quantum field of reality. They are the cavalry of light and if this resonates deeply then you have been selected for the incredibly important and honourable job of protecting and parenting one of these divine and enlightened souls.⁠

The star babies have never experienced life in the third-dimensional field of reality, some of them have been on earth perhaps only once before but only in the time before the great fall. The star babies are coming to earth on a mission to anchor love and multidimensional consciousness. These babies need fierce warrior parents who will do everything they can to support and protect their mission. These babies require that you forget everything the old paradigm taught you about raising children and raise your child from heart-centred consciousness.

If you are trying to conceive or soon will, and you are drawn to this App then you have signed up to be a higher-dimensional parent in this lifetime.⁠
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