St. Lucian Creole Dictionary APP
This Dictionary is in two parts. The first part is arranged alphabetically according to Kwéyòl key words with English definitions. Different senses of the word are given, along an example sentence illustrative of the word used in that sense. Other information is given as well, including the part of speech, any synonyms, antonyms, or cross-references, and an etymology, if known.
The second part is an English to Creole translator. Parts of speech and Kwéyòl meanings are given for each English word, again with different senses indicated where applicable.
Both parts feature audio pronunciations of the Kwéyòl words making the app very useful to those who want to learn to speak the creole language.
Key Features
• Audio pronunciations by native speaker
• Search by English or Creole keyword
• Store frequently used words in Favorites
• English to Creole translations
• Creole to English translations
• Usage example sentences and phrases