SSH Custom APP
Smart Guide:
1. Add new profile
- click "Profiles (click to add)" in side menu
2. Edit profile
- double click list profile or hold list profile until show popup menu "Edit"
3. Clone profile
- hold list profile until show popup menu "Clone"
4. Delete profile
- hold list profile until show popup menu "Delete" or selected list profile then click icon trash
5. Setting profile normal ssh
- leave blank payload, proxy and sni
6. Setting profile normal sni
- set port ssh to 443
- leave blank payload and proxy
- set sni
7. Setting normal payload
- set payload
- set proxy without start with url schema
8. Setting profile ws
- set payload
- set proxy start with or without http://
- if you set empty proxy, you must set bug host as host ssh and port ssh 80
9. Setting profile wss
- set payload
- set proxy must start with https://
- if you set empty proxy, you must set bug host as host ssh and port ssh 443
- set sni
10. Setting profile socks proxy
- leave blank payload
- set proxy must start with socks4:// or socks5://
Primary init:
- [netData] = initial request without EOL
- [raw] = initial request with EOL
- [method] = initial method of request
- [protocol] = initial protocol of request
- [ssh] = initial host:port of ssh
- [ssh_host] = initial host of ssh
- [ssh_port] = initial port of ssh
- [ip_port] = initial ip:port of ssh
- [host] = initial host of ssh
- [ip] = initial ip of ssh
- [port] = initial port of ssh
- [proxy] = initial proxy:port of proxy
- [proxy_host] = initial host of proxy
- [proxy_port] = initial port of proxy
- [cr][lf][crlf][lfcr] = initial EOL
- [ua] = initial user agent browser
Secondary init:
- [rotate=...] = initial rotation
- [random=...] = initial random
- [cr*x], [lf*x], [crlf*x], [lfcr*x] = initial how many EOL, where x is numeric
- not support combine http(s) proxy and socks proxy in one profile
- not suport rotation or random socks proxy in one profile
- not support combine normal sni and custom payload/ws/wss in one profile, because sni must empty payload
- not suport secondary init inside secondary init. ex. [rotate=GET / HTTP/1.1[crlf]Host: [;][crlf*2]]
- You need make more then one profile to combine the limitation.