This app will display published Bid on portal.

Latest Version

Jan 23, 2024

App APKs


The Rajasthan State Public Procurement Portal of Government of Rajasthan has been set up in pursuance of provisions of section 17 of Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 2012. It is accessible to general public so as to enable them to know about the activities of public procurement of goods, works and services by Department of State Government, State Public Sector Enterprises, anybody covered under the ambit of the Act. The portal has provisions for such bodies to publish their Bid Enquiries, Pre-qualification documents, Bidder registration documents, Bidding documents, amendments, clarifications including those pursuant to pre-Bid conference, and corrigenda thereto, list of pre-qualified and registered bidders, list of bidders excluded under section 25, with reasons, decisions under section 38 and 39, Award of Contract and details of successful Bids, their prices and bidders, particulars of bidders who have been debarred.

The primary objective of this portal is to provide a single point to various State Government Departments / Organisations for posting matters relating to public procurement so that they are accessible to the public.
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